Ludvico is a young Italian architect formed between Milan, Barcelona, and London. He worked, among the others, alongside Carlos Ferrater, Arata Isozaki and Zaha Hadid Architects where he is currently working. In 2008 he graduated with a Master in Architecture and City Planning of the DRL Design Research Lab of the London Architectural Association, after having previously studied at Politecnico of Milan and at Bartlett in England. He was invited as a critic at the l’Architectural Association and for the DLR and lead seminars and conferences in Turin at AAST, at the University of Bologna, at the School of Architecture of Florence, at the Tate Britain and at the prestigious Marangoni of London. He taught at Politecnico of Milan as a drawing and architecture teacher and at Bartlett as a tutor for the city planning Master 2009/2010. Recently, he won the contest Pelle+ promoted by Oliviero Toscani and his proposal for the Contest Aldgate was exposed at the London Architecture Foundation in 2010. For Falper he designed the basin WING, presented in 2013.